Monday, October 14, 2013

Write in the Water

I learned about this great product because a friend retweeted someone's tweet on twitter.  (Thanks, Naomi, for retweeting!)  Who knew social networking could be so rewarding?

It's called Aqua Notes.  I don't know about you, but I get some seriously good ideas when I'm in the shower.  Something about the hot water gently massaging my brain that brings thoughts to the surface.  The only problem is, once I turn the water off and get blasted with that initial chill, my brilliant ideas go down the drain, leaving me with mere droplets of thoughts.

So here it is.  The paper is water proof.  It really works.  You can literally write under water.  I bought the 5 pack so I wouldn't run out any time soon.  The pad adheres to the tiles with suction cups, so you can stick it wherever you want.