Thursday, April 4, 2013

What's the Next Big Thing Blog Hop

My author friend, Naomi Gruer invited me to take part in What’s The Next Big Thing Blog Hop. It's a traveling blog that asks writers whom they consider the Next Big Thing. Writers answer questions about their work in progress, then pass the questions on to other writers.
Many thanks to Naomi for tagging me. Read Naomi's blog, Bmore Energy to hear her hilarious stories about life with triplets plus one, and learn about her latest children's book Cora Gets Carried Away.
Okay, sounds like fun!  For the first part, here are my answers to the questions...  

What is the working title of your book?

The Interpreters

Where did the idea come from for the book?

I love the subway. I have a bit of a taxi phobia, so I really rely on the subway when it's too far to walk. Or when it's raining. I hate the rain.  

Living in NYC, I ride the subway almost every day.
 Depending on the time of day (or night), there can be some pretty strange (and creepy) passengers riding along with me. I make up stories in my head, like the whole car is filled with vampires or aliens. Sometimes I wonder if they can read my mind. Then I started thinking, what if the police that ride the subway could read minds? And what if it rained in the city every day and the rain was poison? After that, the ideas just sort of piled on top of themselves.

What genre does your book fall under?

Upper middle grade dystopia.  

What actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

I don’t really have specific actors in mind. Lily, thirteen years old, is tough, urban and a little grungy. Sergio, also a teen, has deep, soulful eyes but a shallow personality. Any ideas?

What is a one sentence synopsis of the book?

A thirteen-year-old girl must decide whether to help a convicted murderer prove his innocence, and if she doesn't make the right choice, the fate of the planet is at stake. One sentence doesn't tell you much.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I would love for my book to be represented by an agency. I am in the process of drafting my query and researching agents.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

Three months. But then I worked on it for another nine before I was willing to call it a completed first draft.

What other books would you compare this story to in your genre?

Well, Hunger Games, Divergent and Delirium because of the underlying themes of separate cities (or districts or factions). My intended audience is upper middle grade, so I’ve toned down the violence and focused more on young teens making tough decisions during a time of significant personal change. I don't think my 11-year old is ready to read the Hunger Games (although it is one of my favorite books ever) but she loved reading The Giver and Matched.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

One of the biggest controversies that exists today is privacy vs. security. I wanted to explore the ultimate invasion of privacy: the ability of someone with power and influence to read minds and how that would change a culture. 

What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?

I love imagining what New York City, or the planet will look like in the future. And what future generations will think of the choices we are making today.  

Here's the first chapter of
The Interpreters.  I hope you enjoy it! 

Thanks for reading my post.  Coming soon, the next part... tagging writers that I think are The Next Big Thing...


  1. I can't wait to read the first chapter of The Interpreters late at night when people (hubby, daughter and dog) aren't hovering nearby! Yay for being "The Next Big Thing!"

  2. Thanks, Naomi, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Chapter One. And thanks for being my first follower!

  3. I love your story! Great job! Can't for the first book and sequel to be out!

  4. I will start cleaning my book shelf today so I can make ready for your books! Then I can say"My daughter the author"
